Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog bashing on

It is amazing the huge amount of obscene blog posts that have been appearing on the web about us the past couple of weeks, during a crucial point in the bogus lawsuit against us. In addition, any posts by our employees are being hidden from view, and one person has started posting posing as yours truly; making rediculous statements that imply that I think our clinic should be closed down.

This is happening on the website, which is linked from the slanderous news article on the website that resulted from the newscast in May 2010 with the same erroneous content.

We just learned this week, that this is the typical use of, and it is owned by one of the three major broadcasting companies in the nation, which means it is easily manipulated by anyone with any political connections; such as one Will Bond, the plaintiff attorney who filed both bogus lawsuits.

My intent of starting our own blog is so we can post our view of these matters, without having to worry about them being deleted. So anyone who wishes to say anything about our company is welcome to post it here.